Join other students and revise together
IQmates is a growing community of students from different universities and countries who are revising and passing together
FREE courses with thousands of revision videos
Practice Questions to test your understanding and track your progress
Trusted by 20,000+
happy students are joining
us to achieve their
revision goals
Some course categories
Our courses are grouped in categories based on the major university faculties and schools. Want to take a look?
Revise your content anytime, anywhere.
Students news feed & dashboard
Collaboration & networking
Certificates & progress tracking
Numerous quizzes and practice
Points earning & gamification
Keep up with your activity
Stay on top of what other students are revising and sharing with other fellow students
Engage students from other universities and grow your learning network
Let us all pass together! 🙂
Do not feel stuck by yourself. Revise with other students.
We have subject-aligned discussion groups where students are sharing notes and helping each other with questions they are struggling with. Do not feel stuck alone. Help is a click away!
Quality subject discussion groups
Discuss course content with other students and share knowledge no matter what university you are studying at.
Grow your student network
Easily meet students from other universities who are studying the same courses as you and grow your network.
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Some of our courses
We have partnered with top instructors and tutors to provide some courses we offer for FREE on IQmates. The revision content has been curated by university lecturers and tutors to be applicable to curricula.
Many videos to revise from
Why join IQmates?
Here are just a few reasons why you should consider a growing community of students on IQmates
FREE courses with thousands of revision videos
We have partnered with many educational content providers to give you curated content in the form of thousands of tutorial videos. When you forget a concept, you can revise it any time, any where!
Subject-aligned discussion groups
Our core tenet is a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Every man is a hero and oracle to somebody.” In our discussion groups, there are students looking for assistance. If understand a concept, why not share your knowledge with students from other universities?
25K+ practice questions
If you want to test your understanding and track your progress, access our numerous practice questions in different courses. Pin point the exact topics and sections you need to put more effort before tests and exams.